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Prive Dermatology

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  4. Prive Dermatology
Prive Dermatology
Medical Skin care
Prive Dermatology
  • Field of Treatment : Lifting Laser/Thread Facelift/Skin Booster/ Filler, Botox / Pigmentation, Whitening
  • Telephone : +82-1800-5475
  • Languages Available : KOR, ENG, CHN, JPN
Skin, Elasticity, Wrinkle Lifting

Empower your lifestyle with Enhanced Skin.

“Prive Dermatology” is a premium clinic which aims to restore the natural function of skin through modern and safe medical treatments against natural aging, and to find the skin balance according to the current skin condition.

Experience the time for lifting and skin elasticity in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.

Brief Introduction

Brief Introduction - Email, Website, Address
Address 3, Beomeocheon-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu, Republic of Korea
Prive Dermatology

Treatment details

Treatment details - Name of Service,Treatment Period,Costs (unit: KRW)
Treatment name Duration of treatment Medical service cost (KRW)
Accent Prime (Tune Face) 1 day 400,000~1,000,000 (KRW)
Lifting Laser 1 day 1,000,000 ~ 2,000,000 (KRW)
Thread Facelift 1 day 800,000 (KRW)
SKIN BOOSTER 1 day 3000,000 ~ 500,000 (KRW)
Whitening 1 day 500,000 (KRW)

Treatment times

Treatment times - Day, Business hours, Lunch
Day Business hours Lunch
Monday-Friday 10:00~19:00 13:00~14:00
Saturday Closed Closed
Sunday Closed Closed
National holiday Closed Closed

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사용편의성 만족도
자료 담당부서
(☎ 053-666-4924)