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Korean Traditional Culture Center

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  3. Korean Traditional Culture Center

Location 13-5, 527-gil, Dalgubeol-daero, Suseong-gu, Daegu Metropolitan City (Manchon-dong), near Momyeongjae Shrine
Scale total floor area of 197.75 m2 (capacity: 100 guests)
Hanbok (Korean traditional clothing) and tea ceremony experience program various themes tailored to foreign visitors
(reservation required, admission fee charged)
※ For reservations, call: 053-754-1110
Bus Suseong 3-1, 100, 234, 349, 399, 449, and 990

Korean Traditional Culture Center

현재페이지의 내용과 사용편의성에 만족하십니까?

사용편의성 만족도
자료 담당부서
(☎ 053-666-4916)