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Gomoryeongbi Monument

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  3. Gomoryeongbi Monument

Gomoryeong (hill) is the origin of the Gomoryeong legend and the song “Rainy Gomoryeong” that misses mother in his or her hometown. In 1964, the year after Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule, the song “Rainy Gomoryeong” became a sensation as it was sung in the low voice of the singer Hyunin.
Location 248, Palhyeon-gil, Suseong-gu, Daegu Metropolitan City (Manchon-dong)
Bus 651

Gomoryeongbi Monument

현재페이지의 내용과 사용편의성에 만족하십니까?

사용편의성 만족도
자료 담당부서
(☎ 053-666-4924)