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Yeongnam Jeilgwan Gate

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  2. Tourist Attractions
  3. Yeongnam Jeilgwan Gate

Yeongnam Jeilgwan is the south gate—of four gates—of the fortress surrounding Daegu. The fortress was first built in 1590 (23rd year of King Seonjo) as an earthen rampart, but was destroyed during the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592. It was restored in 1736 (12th year of King Yeongjo) in the form of a stone fortress. In 1906, the fortress and its south gate were demolished; but in 1980, the south gate was rebuilt in a different location. A structure that symbolizes the long history and rich culture of Daegu Metropolitan City, Yeongnam Jeilgwan Gate is now a place where citizens can enjoy the beautiful view of Geumhogang River, illuminated by a newly installed lighting system.
Location 248, Palhyeon-gil, Suseong-gu, Daegu Metropolitan City (Manchon-dong)
Bus Bukgu 3, Suseong 2, Express 5, 165, 518, 651,708, 808, 814, and 849

Yeongnam Jeilgwan Gate

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