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Donga Neurosurgery

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  4. Donga Neurosurgery
Donga Neurosurgery
Spinal, joint, and pain disorders
Donga Neurosurgery
  • Field of Treatment : back pain, lumbar disc, stenosis
  • Telephone : +82-53-781-0770
  • Languages Available : Korean, English
Donga Neurosurgery specializes in non-surgical treatments for spine, joint, and pain disorders. It offers treatments for lumbar discs and stenosis that do not involve surgery (widening of intervertebral foramen, laser disc treatment, etc.). Electric endodontic and rehabilitative treatments are used to prevent the reoccurrence of injuries and correct/modify body shape.

Brief Introduction

Brief Introduction - Email, Website, Address
Address Taesung City World (4F), 183, Jibeom-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu
Donga Neurosurgery

Treatment details

Treatment details - Treatment name, Duration of treatment, Medical service cost (KRW)
Treatment name Duration of treatment Medical service cost (KRW)
Intervertebral foramen widening 60 minutes
Laser disc treatment 60 minutes
External shock wave treatment, laser treatment 10 minutes
Rehabilitative (manual) therapy 60 minutes

Treatment times

Treatment times - Day, Business hours, Lunch
Day Business hours Lunch
Weekday (Monday-Friday) 09:00-18:00
(Wed: 9:00-14:00)
Saturday 09:00-14:00 None
Sunday Closed Closed
National holiday Closed Closed

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