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Daegu Severance Dermatology

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  4. Daegu Severance Dermatology
Daegu Severance Dermatology
Dermatology, skin care, Total Beauty Clinic.
Daegu Severance Dermatology
  • Field of Treatment : Dermatology, skin care, Total Beauty Clinic.
  • Telephone : +82-53-784-0555
  • Languages Available : Korean, English, Japanese
Severance dermatology where the beauty starts. Severance dermatology makes efforts for patient safety and to improve advanced medical technology as three dermatologists directly treat patients and do medical procedure. We give proper medical service to patients as personal skin type based on abundant clinical experiences and medical research.

Brief Introduction

Brief Introduction -Website, Address
Address 6th, Aju building, 182, Jibeom-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu
Daegu Severance Dermatology


Services - Name of Service,Treatment Period,Costs (unit: KRW)
Name of Service Treatment Period Costs (unit: KRW)
lifting 1~3 hours 400,000 won~
Pigmentation Laser
Whitning Laser
Blood vessel Laser
30min~1hour 200,000 won~
botox, filler 1hour 300,000 won~
Scare laser
Pore laser
2hours 600,000 won~
Hair transplantation 1day 5,000,000 won~

Office Hours

Office Hours - Day, Office Hours, Lunch Time
Day Office Hours Lunch Time
Workdays 9:30 ~ 19:00 12:30 ~ 14:00
Saturday 9:30 ~14:00 12:30 ~ 14:00
Sunday Closed Closed
Holidays Closed Closed

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