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Immune Revolution Oriental Medicine Clinic

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  4. Immune Revolution Oriental Medicine Clinic
Constitutional enhancement, spondyloarthritis, and neurogenic diseases
Immune Revolution Oriental Medicine Clinic
  • Field of Treatment : Oriental medicine
  • Telephone : +82-53-762-0156
  • Languages Available : Korean
Immune Revolution Oriental Medicine Clinic improves patients’ health based on a thorough evaluation of their constitutional characteristics. In particular, it uses nature-friendly techniques for treating spondyloarthritis (waist, neck, knee, and shoulder), neurogenic disorders (anxiety and nervousness, chronic headache, and chronic fatigue syndrome), and intractable disorders arising from poor immunity. When treating these diseases, it also takes steps to redress the imbalance of each patient's constitution. As a result, patients' immunity is strengthened while receiving treatment for their health problems. Furthermore, the clinic also gives instructions and recommendations regarding life habits in accordance with the constitution of each patient.

Brief Introduction

Address 2F, Suseong Kolon Haneulchae Bldg, 300, Deuran-ro, Suseong-gu, Daegu


Name of Service Treatment Period Costs (unit: KRW)
Constitutional Clinic One day 70,000-370,000
Spondyloarthritis Clinic One day 70,000-570,000
Neurogenic diseases One day 70,000-600,000

Office Hours

Day Office Hours Lunch Time
Workdays 09:30-19:00 12:30-14:00
Saturday 09:30-17:00 12:30-14:00
Sunday 09:30-17:00 12:30-14:00
Holidays 09:30-17:00 12:30-14:00

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