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CU Cleanup Dermatology

  1. Tourism
  2. Medical Tourism
  3. Registered Medical Institutions for Foreign Patients
  4. CU Cleanup Dermatology
Pigmentation and whitening/ pimples and scars/ wrinkles and "petit" plastic surgery/ obesity/ skin diseases
CU Cleanup Dermatology
  • Field of Treatment : Skin care
  • Telephone : +82-53-746-0660
  • Languages Available : Korean and English
CU Cleanup Dermatology has been selected by the Ministry of Health and Welfare as a medical institution to participate in the effort to attract foreign patients to the country. It operates a network of skin clinics staffed only by dermatologists, publicizing its superior medical services both at home and abroad.
The clinic provides a wide range of specialized medical service and treatments, including pigmentation treatment, tattoo removal, "petit" plastic surgery, medical tanning, and medical skin care, for numerous health problems, such as pimples and scars, wrinkles and skin elasticity, osmidrosis, hyperhidrosis, and redness. It applies effective treatments to a variety of skin problems as well as general skin care, and has developed its own therapies to provide the best medical services.

Brief Introduction

Address 2F, 341, Dongdaegu-ro (Beomeo-dong), Suseong-gu, Daegu


Name of Service Treatment Period Costs (unit: KRW)
Pigmentation laser treatment One day 600,000-1 million per session
Pimple and scar treatment One day 500,000-2 million per session
Facelift (ultrasound and thread) One day 1 million-2 million per session
Petit plastic surgery (Botox and filler) One day 500,000-1 million per session
Redness laser treatment One day 600,000-1 million per session

Office Hours

Day Office Hours Lunch Time
Workdays 10:00-20:00 13:00-14:00
Saturday 10:00-17:00 13:00-14:00
Sunday Closed Closed
Holidays Closed Closed

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