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Bumin Oriental Medicine Clinic

  1. Tourism
  2. Medical Tourism
  3. Registered Medical Institutions for Foreign Patients
  4. Bumin Oriental Medicine Clinic
Pharmaceutical acupuncture (ginseng and wild ginseng) / growth (height) / relief from fatigue during travel
Bumin Oriental Medicine Clinic
  • Field of Treatment : Oriental medicine-pharmaceutical acupuncture (ginseng, deer antlers, and others), growth, and health
  • Telephone : +82-53-791-2822
  • Languages Available : Chinese
Bumin Oriental Medicine Clinic’s pharmaceutical-acupuncture technique has been developed based on the application of superior scientific technology to Korea’s unique ginseng and wild ginseng. This fast, safe procedure can relieve fatigue and is ideal for Chinese families visiting Korea for short periods of time.

Brief Introduction

Address #118, Siji Hyoseong Baengnyeon Gayak Bldg, 30-5, Sinmae-dong, Suseong-gu, Daegu


Name of Service Treatment Period Costs (unit: KRW)
Pharmaceutical acupuncture (ginseng) On day of visit 300,000
Pharmaceutical acupuncture (wild ginseng) On day of visit 300,000
Relief from fatigue On day of visit 300,000

Office Hours

Day Office Hours Lunch Time
Workdays 09:00-21:00 12:30-14:00
Saturday 09:00-19:00 12:30-14:00
Sunday 09:00-13:00 12:30-14:00
Holidays 09:00-17:00 12:30-14:00

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(☎ 053-666-2000)