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Dae Kyung Radiology Clinic

  1. Tourism
  2. Medical Tourism
  3. Registered Medical Institutions for Foreign Patients
  4. Dae Kyung Radiology Clinic
3.0T MRI, 128-channel MDCT, thyroid, breast clinic, chest clinic, medical check-up
Dae Kyung Radiology Clinic
  • Field of Treatment : Radiology / medical check-up
  • Telephone : +82-53-742-0100
  • Languages Available : Korean, English, and Russian
Specializing in radiology, Dae Kyung Radiology Clinic offers a wide range of imaging services for the brain, heart, lungs, musculoskeletal system, thyroid, breast, and abdomen. All former university professors, the doctors here offer specialized medical care and work to detect cancers and other diseases in the early stages. The clinic also runs a medical division that specializes in gastrointestinal endoscopy.

Brief Introduction

Address 2F, 4F, Apple Tower, 311, Dongdaegu-ro (Beomeo-dong), Suseong-gu, Daegu


Name of Service Treatment Period Costs (unit: KRW)
MRI One day 350,000-600,000
MDCT One day 120,000-400,000
Ultrasound One day 70,000-100,000
Medical check-up One day 300,000-1.5 million
Medical check-up for CEOs One day 2.2 million

Office Hours

Day Office Hours Lunch Time
Workdays 8-18:30 No lunch time
Saturday 17-Aug No lunch time
Sunday Closed Closed
Holidays Closed Closed

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